So I amsure you, my beautiful smart readers can guess what I am going to gush aboutfrom the lovely montage of pictures I put together for your viewing,, may Iintroduce the current love of my fashionista life (I love C so much more thanthis bag) :
The Abbey Road Hand Bag
By Lucky Brand
Oh, it isa beauty! It’s made of Iamb leather, with a cloth interior. Multiple interiorpockets to help organize, including a zippered pocket. There is also anexterior zippered pocket. The strap has many positions that it can be securedin, two different lengths of ‘messenger bag’ (or over the shoulder/across thebody) style & two different lengths for under the arm carrying.. As you cansee there are also handles to carry by hand or on the crook of your arm if youwish (it is also possible to slip this over your shoulder if you have skinnyshoulders), this changes the appearanceof the bag dramatically (the size also). There are a great range of colorchoices for this fabulous bag;: white, black, tan, purple, teal, cranberry,silver (I think, I could be wrong), and a brown & tan with a really coolleather flower on it.
My momand I were out on one of our many shopping trips together when we found thisgreat bag. We both instantly fell in love and couldn’t stop talking about itthe rest of the day. This talking continued on for months. We would pick outoutfits and then think about how perfectly they would go with the Lucky bag.So, eventually we both had to give in and each get our own. My mom got thebrown & tan bag with the leather flower. I chose the teal bag (the onepictured in the montage above). I LOVE IT. I am so excited to use it (I amsaving it for New York…more on that in a little bit)!
BuffaloPlaid is another one of my current fashion choices. When I saw the picturefeatured in the upper left-hand corner of the montage, I knew it was an outfitI was going to do my own personal twist on. I love the long-sleeves rolled upand paired with shorts, the boots, and of course I can’t get enough of thewonderful bag.
As Ihinted towards earlier, I will be going to New York for a couple days. My momand I will be going shopping, to a couple museums, shows, the Statue of Liberty(my mom has never been to it), and many other locations that I cannot wait totell you all about. I am so excited about the pictures to come and adventuresand stories I will have to share with you all.
I haveplanned out so many of my outfits already, I am traveling as light as possiblesince I can only take a carry on and one personal item (yes, I know…ouch!), soI have to plan ahead!
Here is my rendition of the outfit pictured inthe first montage. I will of course be accessorizing with my Lucky Brand AbbeyRoad bag in teal and usual jewelry which consists of my tiffany heart necklace(on a ball chain that can be worn long or short, I wear it all the time), hoopearrings (the earrings change with my mood), my blue cocktail ring, my romannumeral ring (from C), my tanzanite and diamond ring from my grandparents,& the wedding band of my great grandmother and grandmother (worn on mytiffany necklace). The shoes pictured are close to what I will be wearing…Icouldn’t find a picture of the exact ones, BCBG black patent with a gold zipperup the side. And of course big sunnies (sunglasses…we just had some guests fromNew Zealand, they taught me many new phrases).
Do youusually plan your outfits when you go on trips?
What bagare you currently crazy for?
Are youinto the current wayfarer sunglasses craze?
Wherehave you gone this summer?
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